Atesa Kaen

Atesa Kaen is a combination of Athena x Sula. Atesa was created by NESTS to neutralize Athena Asamiya, as she has become too powerful. NESTS feels as though Athena will put a stop to their ways. Unfortunately, Atesa was a failed experiment. She has dissociative Identity disorder, she isn't evil until she come's in contact with someone powerful. She means no harm, but she won't hold back

Xiao Lon

Xiao Lon is the offspring of Ron and an unnamed, intelligent and beautiful woman of the Hizoku clan. Her mother was very talented but wasn't liked by Ron's wife. Since the girl also inherited the spitting image of her mother's features, Ron's wife also despised her. When Xiao Lon's mother passed away due to illness, Ron's wife encouraged her husband to not associate himself with his daughter. Thus, Ron rarely acknowledged Xiao Lon, even though the girl has always admired their village's then kind leader. Since she was weaker than his other children, Xiao Lon swore to one day become useful to her father and underwent a training regime from Lin. Lin, who was known as the most skilled user of the poison hand technique, was outclassed by a ten-year old Xiao Lon, whose entire body became tainted. She parted from her master soon after due to Lin leaving the village to go on a mission.


NESTS created Robota from a little girl they kidnapped. They enhanced her even by age. She suffers from PTSD and cannot stay in her robot form for too long. Her original purpose was to keep Atesa evil, but like Atesa, she is imperfect.


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